The Sephardic Wiki


The Sephardi Wiki: a compilation of years of research from different sources

We gather information from different sources about the Sephardim and condense it in one place for easier access. This information is what makes up all the articles in Sefárdica Articles. Veracity guaranteed.

We encourage the discovery of Sephardi roots and the preservation and progression of Sephardi history, culture, music, traditions, language, etc.

Our Projects

Sefárdica Articles
Social Media
Sephardic Music Playlist

Our Mission, Condensed


Sephardi history is global. Our website is designed to reflect that; it is engineered to be global and made to be available to the largest amount of people possible.


Sefárdica's goal is to educate both those that are familiar and unfamiliar with Sephardi history.


Our commitment is to always write the articles we publish professionally and with no bias. We also strive to be a safe space for the Sephardi community.

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